
Monday, November 27, 2006

Pick the One You Want

Who knew? There is actually a polite explanation for the above. I’ll tell you, with a wind chill of -40C, it was not the first thing I THOUGHT of. To think, too, I’ve not even been out today … yet. I’ve got a haircut scheduled at 5:00PM across the city, lucky me. From the radio descriptions, along with sheets of ice, stalled cars are doing a good imitation of creating a shalom course. Oh, the joys of being Canadian and I’m not even “north of 60” like Nanook. What a wimp, eh?

Brass Monkey and Its Balls Explained … old Navy Lore ….
Every sailing ship had to have cannon for protection. Cannon of the times required round iron cannonballs. The master wanted to store the cannonballs such that they could be of instant use when needed, yet not roll around the gun deck. The solution was to stack them up in a square based pyramid next to the cannon. The top level of the stack had one ball, the next level down had four, the next had nine, the next had sixteen, and so on. Four levels would provide a stack of 30 cannonballs. The only real problem was how to keep the bottom level from sliding out from under the weight of the higher levels. To do this, they devised a small brass plate ("brass monkey") with one rounded indentation for each cannonball in the bottom layer. Brass was used because the cannonballs wouldn't rust to the "brass monkey," but would rust to an iron one. When temperature falls, brass contracts in size faster than iron. As it got cold on the gun decks, the indentations in the brass monkey would get smaller than the iron cannonballs they were holding. If the temperature got cold enough, the bottom layer would pop out of the indentations spilling the entire pyramid over the deck. Thus it was, quite literally, "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey."

More to follow ... maybe ....

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Wx Outside is Frightful

Did I mention how much I hate being cold? We seem to be covered with a layer of artic air, settling over us like a blanket. Nonook, take it back! For a winter baby I certainly am unimpressed with anything to do with winter. Yes, I did downhill ski, yes, cross country too … curled and now the only curling I am interested in takes place with a blanket and a good book. “They” say we can expect temperatures to dip below -30C taking into consideration wind chill. I AM such a cry baby when it comes to cold weather.

It is a real challenge to get myself to the gym in the morning. Often it is best that I not listen to the news or radio until I am sitting in the car pointed in the correct direction. However, I must say, it makes me indulge myself once I am there as I am in no hurry to leave and re-enter the cold. All I can say is thank heavens for “plus fifteens”, as at least part of my walk to the car is in the shelter of such contrivances.

Tuesday will see something like my 47th donation to Canadian Blood Services. There has been no further “difficulty” as there was with the second attempt – mind you, I have also switched back to my left arm as the donation site. As the day for donation approaches I find myself more conscience of my diet as I would sure hate to go through the whole rigmarole only to have the plasma discarded because of visible fat. Somewhere I read where people actually SELL their plasma – yipes, that would make me uncomfortable. Not the selling so much as the buying as I would be wondering about one’s motivation for selling. Hhhmmm – morbid thought. Somehow, don’t ask me why, it seems so much “cleaner” to donate the stuff and walk away.

Power went out to day for about an hour and it was getting quite chilly in the house. Only one of the cats was intelligent enough to cuddle – the one with the shorter fur and more cunning personality. Power failures are a bit of a rarity here, especially those lasting longer than 15 minutes. When it is 20 below zero it doesn’t take long for coolness to seep in - almost driven to the inefficient fireplace.

That’s it for today, must practice “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” in the key of G. Perhaps I have reached my capacity as a pianist?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Whose Turn Is It, Anyway???

Just a short note before I become a “Road Warrior” again. Every day I drive. Every day I promise/swear to be pleasant, “share the road”, not allow myself to be disturbed by the driving flaws of others, etc, etc. In fact I try to reach the zen state
as proposed by a friend of mine: “He/she is ahead of you, get over it”. Sometimes my vow lasts as far as the first stop sign …. umm about 300’, sometimes I don’t even get out of my complex.
What is it about the anonymity of driving that lets us, or at least me, become unreasonable and very, very rude. No, I rarely give people the bird, although I do curse and carry on in my vehicle. If the situation were a line up at the bank or shopping in the grocery store I would not carry on in such a fashion and in fact would be most polite. So … how come I allow traffic/driving/being isolated in a car to alter my behaviour??? Who is the real me and why am I in such a cotton-pickin’ hurry? Who cares if the guy in front of me gets “THE” parking spot? Why do I think I deserve it more than he/she? All of this puzzles me. Some days I kind of feel like Clark Kent or Jekyll and Hyde – one minute mild mannered and unassuming, the next, nasty and aggressive and misbehaving – certainly not playing well with others!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Great Bowls of Fire

This notation could have just as easily be called: “To the Victor Goes the Spoils” or “Times Remembered”.

Yesterday evening was the Flying Club’s Third annual Chili Cook Off. The Fire Hall has been usurped by Jason’s chili called “Hotter than Matt’s Mom”, nope, don’t want to go there.

As far as the “spoils” are concerned:

The prize.......

My chili, called “Bark Biter-Tree Hugger Vegetarian” using cauliflower – who knew cauliflower could be put in chili, won the prize for the most unique chili. Must say, it did have a bit of a bite to it.

Times remembered is related to the fact that many years ago, my “nephew-the-art-teacher-in-Singapore” bought me a cook book holder which rarely gets used. I was reminded of him as I was, on this rare instance, using the holder to insure my cookbook stayed tidy and all the necessary ingredients actually made it into the crockpot. My “niece-the-librarian-cum-academic-coordinator” although absent, contributed by my recall of her telling me last year to WEAR GLOVES when you are fiddling with jalapeño peppers. Last year I managed to “spice” up my life much more than I intended by chopping, no, not chopping, MINCING the jalapeños without using gloves. My actions resulted in my sense that I was going to glow in the dark for at least three days. Since I am a northern type person I am unfamiliar with such lethal flora. The niece recommended thorough washing and antihistamine medication. Hot stuff I tell ya! She tells me that there are even hotter peppers available like the habanero and scotch bonnet – DEFINITLY NOT Scottish, that much I can tell you being of Scots descent and knowing that typically THEY do not cook with much spice.

The competition never had a chance this year!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

… And I’m Reading The Paper How Today?

Apparently it seems both critters decided that today was censorship day and the only section of the paper available would be the funnies and the Community page, or so it seems. What is it about cats and reading?

Do you think cats can “suck up” like dogs? I’m thinking so as Spook, the one with no white anywhere as opposed to Precious with the bandit mask and white stockings, bit me today on the arm – this is NOT unusual as Spook likes to set the intensity and duration of petting and usually I’m quite astute as determining when enough is enough. Funny thing today though, I wasn’t even touching her – does this not sound like a fight explanation to mom? “She started it!” “Did not, I wasn’t even touching her/him!” Anyway I was kind of looking Spook right in the eye and what ever I was saying must have been a huge insult as POUNCE and there she was on my forearm. It is not as awful as it seems as Spook has had a number of teeth removed as a result of poor dental care early on in her life but still there was a tiny puncture and I thought some intimate “ice time” was in order - ice time as in cold compress, not hockey. Spook leapt off the table and stalked off for a bit but soon returned, jumped back up, under my nose and was as sweet as you please, hence I believe her to be “sucking up” and expressing regret for her outrageous behaviour …. well that’s what I make up, anyway.

Last night I attended a local Chapter meeting of Women in Aviation. Almost every time I attend such a function I am blown away by the depth of talent these amazing women display, from administrative type folk, to aircraft captains, to authors, to “fix ‘em up” folk, as well as the, seemingly ordinary private pilot or aviation enthusiast. Every woman and the occasional man, who attends or supports that group demonstrates a real commitment and at times, sacrifice for their place in the aviation world – and these are just the ones I KNOW about.

For the past few days I have not been writing in my journal and hence, not working with a “To Do” list. It seemed my list was getting ignored anyway so I was thinking, “Why bother?”. I’ve since become lonely for my list and have reinvested time in the writing.

Today I will have a massage for my back. Mostly, well, one side of me seems fine and the other side, mostly fine EXCEPT when I try to tie my shoe or, of all things, try to put on panty hose. Now everyone knows how important THAT is (NOT), so it is time to have it attended to. In the past, when there has been muscle aches, strains, etc, I’ve worked with a Physiotherapist, but my very favorite “Physio” has retired, taking her very sharp acupuncture needles with her. A call to her home indicated that she is “away” until later this month – she had indicated that she was still interested in doing “some” work – but that was before she retired; she may be singing a different tune now.

Anywhooo off to the races today!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Perfectionism/Blog Facts/Other Issues

Wished I had a camera, well, I DO have a camera, what I would have liked was someone to take my picture this morning while I was doing breakfast dishes, carefully, very carefully watched by Precious. She seemed to be fitting right in with my mental gymnastics around “Perfectionism” and how I see it as very related to “Procrastination” and “Bugger the expense, throw the cat another canary” or falling completely off the wagon, any wagon.

Again, yet, still I am trying to follow the elusive “Canada Food Guide”. The “Food Guide”, as it is now named was developed in 1942 and at that time was called “Canada Food Rules”. It is no surprise that “Rules” became “Guides” as it is almost impossible to follow … as a rule. Anyway, the crux of the issue is, on the weekend, I had my very favorite absolutely, probably heart attack on a plate, Grandpa Cheese with bacon platter, a side of gravy if you please. It all started with a bit, I swear, a bit of an inability to stick to the guide – hence “throw the cat another canary”. The procrastination piece is simply, sometimes I will not start a piece of work because I know it won’t/can’t be perfect – so, nothing gets done! “They”, the always mythical “they” say, recognizing there is a problem is the first step in dealing with it – now THAT doesn’t seem like rocket science to me! If you didn’t know there was a problem why would you even think about it???

Some random thoughts that have occurred to me … if I talk to someone, just about anyone, before I have time to write in my blog, chances are, I won’t write. Every day in my email I receive something called “Mark’s Musings” or something like that. For the longest time I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from and then I realize that somehow this person had come across my email addy through real estate/office premises stuff. While the guy is mostly irritating and really, really screwed up relationally, I find myself reading his stuff pretty regularly – I think it might be to hear about his dog, Gusta. Such is the predicament of a dog person held prisoner by two cats!

For those of you with the patience to have read this far - another thing that has surfaced yet again is the philosophy behind crime, punishment, courts, justice and mercy. Here’s the deal – perpetrators of child abuse ought to be punished, no argument about that. BUT … perpetrators are often former VICTUMS themselves, not all, but some. When does the punishment end? Punishment for they who they perpetrate against, some say, never ends. For sure we know that not all victims of child abuse go on to perpetrate, not all victim of child abuse are crippled for life – so THEY say. This set of facts seems to be related to “resiliency”. As for the perpetrators, if they are processed through the court system and punishment meted out it …. well, I just don’t know … we need to know a whole lot more about effective treatment and the only way that will happen is if we invest a whole lot more time and energy than we do now. In fact, we need to create an environment where prevention is key and treatment of victims is paramount to insure they do not become perpetrators. These are, believe it or not, frequently family members: grandpa husbands, fathers, brothers, uncles AND moms, sisters, etc.

The perps. With no history of victimization? – I’ll leave that for another time but I am convinced these are NOT healthy people and THERE ARE markers expressed by these individuals that can be identified … and yet we take no action.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Watch ’er Newt, She’s Headed For The Barn

Snow tires installed. Able to climb steep hills with a single try. Stops on a “twooney” (not a chance “on a dime”), faster than a speeding …. Oh, that’s right, I gave up speeding.

Back to the “silly season” for me, especially after last night, driving on Glenmore trail, with the car feeling like the wheels were in the middle of a bacon fat sandwich, you know the stuff that is left in the cooled pan after bacon has been fried. Given the short wheel base of the thing, each of the rear wheels argued with the front set: “Me first”, “No me!”… then in chorus… “You guys always get to go first, we want a go at it!”. What a car on ice/snow. It was more squirrelly than an oak tree in summer! (Yeah, I know I am taking a chance on that, give we westerners have no real “oak” trees and sometimes it seems, not much of a summer). All is resolved and I am back to being fearless – well, OK, less fearful.

The only ridiculous thing is the ditz that did the changing, put my summer tires in plastic bags, with a couple of them on the front seat-now the seat is wet and I’m hoping not stained. It could become mute testimony to my driving, from the passenger seat point of view. “They”, the mythical “they”, forgot to put the hubcaps on – the hubcaps themselves are really ridiculous, a little triangle of black plastic to cover the center hub, but still ….

Aside from that piece of excitement, the day is turning out to be a chore day around the place. Cats are happy with that.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Snow Fooling

While I certainly can't compete with Nanook (A SouthAfrican in Yellowknife), we have our own winter wonderland going AND .... my snow tires are unmounted, in the garage, stacked, NOT on thier rims, not on my car. RATZ! Makes for tricky driving especially with a short wheel base. Today I only ventured as far as my music lesson, about a mile, in a straight line, residential area. This evening I am suppose to go out for supper .... hhhhmmm ... Well, I guess I don't have to make my mind up right now as I still have one more client.

Creepy crawly department ... felt a little tickle on my hair while standing in the kitchen, burshed it away, went down stairs, it happened again and ... a SPIDER plopped himself on my desk. On the way to carrying him/her outside, he/she fell off the paper and ... well, Precious the fumigator got it. Funny though, I still fill creep-crawly and feel "tickles" here and there. In fact, I can't remember seeing a spider in this house .... EVER - that might have something to do with the cats more than anything else, but I sort of like it that way.

Onward and forward. Tomorrow I have no scheduled appointments and "thought" I might take the car into to have the tires installed on rims and on the car ... BUT .... can I get four tires, four rims, four hubcaps into a SMART? Hhhmmm .... also, I did not go to the gym today as it is downtown and I would like to do that too and the tire business is first come, first served. Decisions, decisions!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Cats 'n ....

Low Rent District

High Rent District

The "District"

Cats are so darn ornery. OK, I will limit that to MY cats. As a cat care giver I am puzzled as to how my two got exposed to Burger King, “have it your way” kind of thing. Precious, finally after what? Six months or so figured out that there is a cat bed available in close proximity to where I work and finally went in (it is a little cave type thingy that cats are suppose to like). She was purring quite contentedly, so to reinforce her I petted her a bit and returned to work. Of course she decided that she would have exit the premises since it seemed to please me, so here she sits, trying to lift the towel off yet another cat bed located on the floor. Is there no pleasing these beasts?!?

Last evening I had the pleasure of a two hour traffic jam and in the end, abandoned the route I was on, back-tracked about then miles and took an alternate with no difficulty at all. The whole fiasco was the result of a couple of trucks having stalled. It really makes me wonder what we would do if we ever had to evacuate the city. Walking seems like a good idea. The construction of buildings with resulting road closure and road construction itself is phenomenal in this city and I’m beginning to think it is too, too big. When I travel to the north part of the city or even the deep south part, it is like a whole new town to me.

OK now I am really distracted …. Precious has discovered she has a tail – this seems like news to her, although you would have thought Spook would have clued her in since she goes into hunt-and-pounce on her own extremity quite regularly – which is probably why Precious joins her in this pursuit, much to Spook’s chagrin. Kind of amusing to what but also a distraction – must work.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Things That Give Us Pause

Things That Give Us Pause

Last evening I went to what is termed “Prayers” for someone who has passed on. Passed on after, not a full measure of life, but certainly a generous portion thereof. It made me wonder about how I would handle it, not just for myself but for close friends. My suspicion is, I would not do well at this at all BUT, I was reminded by a friend, that as these things unfold, we are given what we need. During these times, I sure miss “my old mother” – as a refer to her to others when I feel the need to quote her. She has certainly become wiser the longer I live.

My big sister tells me, her daughter, “my-niece-the-librarian” was robbed at the Houston airport. Scurrilous thieves took advantage of her inattention and made off with her wallet. Fortunately for her there was little within same – the perials and benefits of being a spend thrift I suppose, but the INDIGNITY and VIOLATION of it all. It is both maddening and FRIGHTENING for me as I worry about this naïve (my thoughts as I believe she has been loved to the point of near incapacity - she doesn’t believe this but for sure, she has not gone to the school of hard knocks and street-reality as her mom and auntie have) and sooooo trusting young woman. This is a gal who, seriously, if the “perps” came up to her with a sad story would have gladly parted with money she could ill afford. The whole incident causes me worry and I have to turn that over as “it is what it is”.

Yesterday I was back to the gym and my lack of conditioning really showed. Today, as I have to be downtown later in the day, I’ve delayed my appearance as the sweat-mill to the afternoon. The last time I did this I thought I was going to need to be carried home as it is so much harder to exercise later in the day. Gotta bite the bullet as I AM trying to work on priorities. The kitties are helping, in so much as one is snoozing on her chair (how’d it get to be HER chair?) and the other is warming her tummy by exposing it to the hot air register – that is, unless she has usurped MY chair in my absence to dash this note off!

Cheers and Vaya con el dios

Friday, November 03, 2006

And This is "Good", Why?

So yesterday I switched to the "Beta" blog and I'm wondering what the benefits are. My recent posts have been somewhat infrequent and I'm working on changing that. Actually, getting organized would be a good thing. Working from home certainly has its challenges, one of them being, it is much more difficult to stay on track as there is lots to distract me. Like Spook, it doesn't take much to facinate me.
Today I turned up for a "coffee" meeting that is scheduled for tomorrow! That is not THAT big a deal except the agreement was to meet at SB's waaaayyyy across the city. Oh well, good think I like driving my car. Must, must get my snow tires on as it is a bit squirrly without them in the Wx we've had recently.
Gotta go, time to work!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

It's About Time

Lots of things have happened since I last wrote, not the least of which is major changes at the Flying Club. We just recently replaced our CFI and now our Manager has indicated that he is moving on. It never rains but it pours. Alberta has a hot, hot labour market at the moment and even pilots are able to get jobs!

This past weekend I managed to “throw my back out” – meaning my back is going our more than me! In fact, all muscle but really annoying and interfering with my gym/exercise program. The injury has responded well to regular icing, advil and muscle relaxants and I should be at the gym next Monday.

Really exciting news from “my-niece-the-librarian-cum-curriculum-leader”, it seems that she has been fitted with a special contact lens that has allowed her to overcome her colour deficiency. Really, really cool! Too bad she missed my strawberry blonde hair and I’m now “Artic blonde”. Oh well she can now appreciate the blue-eyed cats!

What is it with cats anyway? No matter what else is on the desk, both prefer lying on the newspaper.

Some Ninety Nine pictures as per quodlibet’s request. Honest to GAWD, we look like WE are ninety-nine, instead of it being the name of our organization. No collection of pictures of aviation folk would be complete without some plane pictures. The meeting was held at CYEG and in one picture we have have all the major service providers present either parked, on the taxi way or landing. Kind of neat!
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