
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Whose Turn Is It, Anyway???

Just a short note before I become a “Road Warrior” again. Every day I drive. Every day I promise/swear to be pleasant, “share the road”, not allow myself to be disturbed by the driving flaws of others, etc, etc. In fact I try to reach the zen state
as proposed by a friend of mine: “He/she is ahead of you, get over it”. Sometimes my vow lasts as far as the first stop sign …. umm about 300’, sometimes I don’t even get out of my complex.
What is it about the anonymity of driving that lets us, or at least me, become unreasonable and very, very rude. No, I rarely give people the bird, although I do curse and carry on in my vehicle. If the situation were a line up at the bank or shopping in the grocery store I would not carry on in such a fashion and in fact would be most polite. So … how come I allow traffic/driving/being isolated in a car to alter my behaviour??? Who is the real me and why am I in such a cotton-pickin’ hurry? Who cares if the guy in front of me gets “THE” parking spot? Why do I think I deserve it more than he/she? All of this puzzles me. Some days I kind of feel like Clark Kent or Jekyll and Hyde – one minute mild mannered and unassuming, the next, nasty and aggressive and misbehaving – certainly not playing well with others!


  • I have to confess that I do tend to give the bird somewhat frequently, but as soon as I do it, I feel bad and regret it! I often worry that it will be some fancy chief pilot who will remember me as that road rage gal who gave them the bird that time...somehow though these worries don't seem to stop me from doing it??

    By Blogger Quodlibet, at November 22, 2006 12:03 AM  

  • oh, to be a fly on the wall of your smart car to hear the rantings and ravings of Ms. Pingcat... what I would give for that...

    CG --- gone out to buy spy mini-cam to set up in the car

    By Blogger CanaGal, at November 22, 2006 11:54 AM  

  • I am sending CG dollars for a minicam... now where is that address?

    Try an Enya CD?

    By Blogger Unknown, at November 24, 2006 11:38 AM  

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