… And I’m Reading The Paper How Today?
Apparently it seems both critters decided that today was censorship day and the only section of the paper available would be the funnies and the Community page, or so it seems. What is it about cats and reading?
Do you think cats can “suck up” like dogs? I’m thinking so as Spook, the one with no white anywhere as opposed to Precious with the bandit mask and white stockings, bit me today on the arm – this is NOT unusual as Spook likes to set the intensity and duration of petting and usually I’m quite astute as determining when enough is enough. Funny thing today though, I wasn’t even touching her – does this not sound like a fight explanation to mom? “She started it!” “Did not, I wasn’t even touching her/him!” Anyway I was kind of looking Spook right in the eye and what ever I was saying must have been a huge insult as POUNCE and there she was on my forearm. It is not as awful as it seems as Spook has had a number of teeth removed as a result of poor dental care early on in her life but still there was a tiny puncture and I thought some intimate “ice time” was in order - ice time as in cold compress, not hockey. Spook leapt off the table and stalked off for a bit but soon returned, jumped back up, under my nose and was as sweet as you please, hence I believe her to be “sucking up” and expressing regret for her outrageous behaviour …. well that’s what I make up, anyway.
Last night I attended a local Chapter meeting of Women in Aviation. Almost every time I attend such a function I am blown away by the depth of talent these amazing women display, from administrative type folk, to aircraft captains, to authors, to “fix ‘em up” folk, as well as the, seemingly ordinary private pilot or aviation enthusiast. Every woman and the occasional man, who attends or supports that group demonstrates a real commitment and at times, sacrifice for their place in the aviation world – and these are just the ones I KNOW about.
For the past few days I have not been writing in my journal and hence, not working with a “To Do” list. It seemed my list was getting ignored anyway so I was thinking, “Why bother?”. I’ve since become lonely for my list and have reinvested time in the writing.
Today I will have a massage for my back. Mostly, well, one side of me seems fine and the other side, mostly fine EXCEPT when I try to tie my shoe or, of all things, try to put on panty hose. Now everyone knows how important THAT is (NOT), so it is time to have it attended to. In the past, when there has been muscle aches, strains, etc, I’ve worked with a Physiotherapist, but my very favorite “Physio” has retired, taking her very sharp acupuncture needles with her. A call to her home indicated that she is “away” until later this month – she had indicated that she was still interested in doing “some” work – but that was before she retired; she may be singing a different tune now.
Anywhooo off to the races today!
good post
cat lady
By Anonymous, at November 17, 2006 7:50 PM
Cats love to seek attention when you're not giving them attention. *chuckles*
I love being around empowered women, and I'm glad I get to meet them practically every day - mothers, for one, are some of such women.
Speaking of massage, I need one myself. Feel my body is splitting into two!
By Amelia Earhart, at November 18, 2006 12:44 PM
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