
Monday, November 13, 2006

Perfectionism/Blog Facts/Other Issues

Wished I had a camera, well, I DO have a camera, what I would have liked was someone to take my picture this morning while I was doing breakfast dishes, carefully, very carefully watched by Precious. She seemed to be fitting right in with my mental gymnastics around “Perfectionism” and how I see it as very related to “Procrastination” and “Bugger the expense, throw the cat another canary” or falling completely off the wagon, any wagon.

Again, yet, still I am trying to follow the elusive “Canada Food Guide”. The “Food Guide”, as it is now named was developed in 1942 and at that time was called “Canada Food Rules”. It is no surprise that “Rules” became “Guides” as it is almost impossible to follow … as a rule. Anyway, the crux of the issue is, on the weekend, I had my very favorite absolutely, probably heart attack on a plate, Grandpa Cheese with bacon platter, a side of gravy if you please. It all started with a bit, I swear, a bit of an inability to stick to the guide – hence “throw the cat another canary”. The procrastination piece is simply, sometimes I will not start a piece of work because I know it won’t/can’t be perfect – so, nothing gets done! “They”, the always mythical “they” say, recognizing there is a problem is the first step in dealing with it – now THAT doesn’t seem like rocket science to me! If you didn’t know there was a problem why would you even think about it???

Some random thoughts that have occurred to me … if I talk to someone, just about anyone, before I have time to write in my blog, chances are, I won’t write. Every day in my email I receive something called “Mark’s Musings” or something like that. For the longest time I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from and then I realize that somehow this person had come across my email addy through real estate/office premises stuff. While the guy is mostly irritating and really, really screwed up relationally, I find myself reading his stuff pretty regularly – I think it might be to hear about his dog, Gusta. Such is the predicament of a dog person held prisoner by two cats!

For those of you with the patience to have read this far - another thing that has surfaced yet again is the philosophy behind crime, punishment, courts, justice and mercy. Here’s the deal – perpetrators of child abuse ought to be punished, no argument about that. BUT … perpetrators are often former VICTUMS themselves, not all, but some. When does the punishment end? Punishment for they who they perpetrate against, some say, never ends. For sure we know that not all victims of child abuse go on to perpetrate, not all victim of child abuse are crippled for life – so THEY say. This set of facts seems to be related to “resiliency”. As for the perpetrators, if they are processed through the court system and punishment meted out it …. well, I just don’t know … we need to know a whole lot more about effective treatment and the only way that will happen is if we invest a whole lot more time and energy than we do now. In fact, we need to create an environment where prevention is key and treatment of victims is paramount to insure they do not become perpetrators. These are, believe it or not, frequently family members: grandpa husbands, fathers, brothers, uncles AND moms, sisters, etc.

The perps. With no history of victimization? – I’ll leave that for another time but I am convinced these are NOT healthy people and THERE ARE markers expressed by these individuals that can be identified … and yet we take no action.


  • Nice pics Ping.

    I hear your voice. You are right.
    the fellow with the blog that got shut down many times posted when they had violated the law and were living across from a school etc. They are not allowed to do that etc.

    Have a good one

    By Blogger Unknown, at November 16, 2006 12:24 PM  

  • Yeah, I think that Parole conditions ought to be applied firmly and fairly - ya screw up and it is back in the slammer

    By Blogger pingcat, at November 16, 2006 12:31 PM  

  • ... an, almost forgot ... conditions of sentencing, like "no firearms", "no driving", "no lurking about" ... those sorts of things ... if that's part of the sentence then that's the way it is.

    By Blogger pingcat, at November 16, 2006 12:33 PM  

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