
Saturday, April 29, 2006

Hibiscus, Lowbiscus and Dogbiscus

Definitely NOT the ‘Hat. I love planes, the problem being, I love looking at them more than sitting in one for six and a quarter hours – which makes a trip to Singapore unlikely unless the Concord returns. This is the second time I succeed in having a bulk-head seat, solo or mostly so. About half way through the trip the Bursar/Head Flight Attendant gently woke me up to ask if it were OK to move a passenger to the seat next to me, the passenger having recently broken a leg. In reality boys and girls, he was not asking permission but politely informing me as I had only paid for one seat although I was sprawled across two. So what do you think are the odds here? In a plane full of people, a 767 in fact, out of all those people, WHO was the person to inadvertently step on her foot? Yep, ME! Gently of course because I am “cat trained” – lightening reflexes to instantly levitate should I feel anything soft under my toes or heels. It happened as we were disembarking, the mob in the aisle and so on – you know those people, the ones that think if they stand up, clog the aisles and prevent you from getting at the over head bins, somehow the doors will be opened by the sheer pressure of will or perhaps the disturbance in air pressure resulting from the sudden movement of mass. Anyway as I was standing in my bulk head expanse someone sort of pressed against my imaginary boundary, resulting in my stepping back.

Speaking of the cats, I’m guessing that they have figured out that I am not home, beyond the fact that that feedings are reduced to once daily with double the amount I’m not sure what they make of all this. They know in their kitty bones that something is “up” when all the personal papers are put away and their litter area is thoroughly vacuumed. While not claiming to really know what goes on betwixt their furry little ears I know that they are quite frightened of the monster that is kept in the garage. Snake-like and invasive it makes a terrible roaring noise and what is a cat to do except make a break for it. Run, run swiftly. To you and me it is simply the hose for the vacu-flow, to them, some sort of sucking, toy stealing, treat-stealing menace. The visitation from the monster is often preceded by the stowing of personal papers and then the appearance of strange people in the house wielding all manner of broom, mop and squeegee. So what I am saying is, on one hand they are happy that my tidying up did not result in an invitation to “the monster” but on the other hand …. They may be thinking “yeah twice as much in the old food dish, but how about we do this twice a day like when the can opener queen is home?”

‘Nuf said I am going to, as the Hawaiians call it, retreat to the lanai and read a good book. I’m just about finished “Conspiracy of Fools”. Quite a good read about greed, greed and intrigue. To Amelia, HNL is aviation speak for the Honolulu airport. ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) has assigned unique identifiers to all the airports in the world. CYYC, usually just called YYC is Calgary, WSSS is Singapore, Brisbane is YBNN, Honolulu is PHNL and so on.

Friday, April 28, 2006


Always amazing this traveling stuff. This morning I managed to leave my passport at the ticketing desk after annoying the ticket agent a little - don't ask, but I am now on the last leg of a trip and I've discovered that I can access the business center at Air Canada's lounge system. Too bad I hadn't figured that out sooner as now I only have 25 minutes to fiddle, having sat in the lounge for the last three hours - bad connections as AC changed my flight leaving a huge gap. Oh well, two ... or was it three bowls of mushroom soup and 4 cans of "clamato", I'm satiated and sleepy. On to more adventures once I get to HNL.

Not that I'm mocking quodlibet BUT HNL is much better than 'the Hat - although things have been pretty darned interesting there at the 'Hat lately, what with the Goths and werewolves ... ya, right. Well must sign off here, frustrating frustrating week just past, hopefully I can recoup and return energized.

Monday, April 24, 2006

You Know You Are Driving Too Fast When ....

Is this what my niece was referring to???

(re "road snit")

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Half Way House/Parole

This weekend, as last, I've been in "tax hell" or jail. Today I will be granted Half Way House privledges as I start to gather the various bits and pieces to support my claim of poverty or near poverty, being finished with the actual mechanics of "Simply Accounting". Parole is only extended once the file is in to the Accountant and then ... I can start working on the current year. Because of the nature of my tax situation I have until August to do them but I swear, and hold me to this, that they will be done by June end, if not sooner.

One thing for sure this exercise reminds me of how important it is to stay organized and pay attention to detail. For me ... "write it down to make it real". - related to all those tiny little decisions I made about an account or an expense but noted only in my brain which grows increasingly fuzzy each day. SAY! Do you suppose it's cat hair making my brain fuzzy??? Maybe the volumes that I usually clean up around the house - enough to sculpt additional kitties if the need arose, is getting into my brain the same way it manages to get into the workings of my computer!

A few more pix of cloning - as you noticed - they were suppose to be at the bottom .... must find a better way!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

When Cloning Goes Wrong

These pixs are from my sister. If I knew their source I would certainly give credit where credit is due. Who ever it was did a fabulous job with photoshop or whatever. That's enough for now! There has got to be a better way!

The World Keeps On Turning, Turning ...

... so the song says. Yes, I was correct, I didn't have time to fiddle with how to do the photos. Canagal has done a wonderful job on her site and I think I will beg and implore as to how this might be done and perhaps she will agree to a tutorial. The reason I was pushed for time was because I was going to a funeral. It is not that the event was unknown to me or a surprise as I read the announcement earlier this week and promised myself I would go even though I hadn't seen the person in a number of years. For me, it was out of "respect" or to pay my respect. It was good that my motivation was some what without conditions as when I arrived I found that it was really an Open House and there was no service. At first, I did not know a soul, not a person. I felt awkward, out of place and as if I were intruding. With all those feelings churning around, I found the Guest Book, signed in, so to speak, grabbed a memorial card and entered where the coffee, food and chatting was taking place. There were some photos, some mementoes, those sorts of things around so I occupied my time for a bit but decided after a few minutes to leave.

As I was leaving, actually on the parking lot, someone else arrived who I knew quite well. It was interesting how this person became a link for me between the deceased's more recent world and our historic one. This lady introduced me to a few folk we had in common and it turned out, it was important that I was there as when I was leaving for the second time, the new widower, to whom I was offering condolences again as I departed ended up pouring his poor, broken heart out as we stood at the exit doors - he had just returned from a smoke.

On the positive side, I immediately called a friend who relocated, man, it must be a year and a bit ago, and we chatted for quite awhile. This friend use to be a "Dispatch" person and we reminisced warmly about our time and the time we shared with others. She especially mentioned CanaGal's significant other, Canagal and quadlibet, so who knows, perhaps she too will get the blogging bug! So anyway, if the funeral taught me nothing, it reminded me that you never know when you will contribute in unexpected ways and also, keep the fires that have kept you warm in the past burning with a little fuel from time to time.

An Experiment

OK, agreed, not the best time to try an experiment. My sister sent me a bunch of photoshopped images and I wanted to share them so I'm trying to figure out how..... hhhmmm

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Locker Talk or ... The Ironies of Life

As a rule, throughout the week, a friend and I exercise at the same facility at the same time. Although a bit of a grind to get to some days, at the end of the session, well worth the effort. Speaking for myself, I don't think I've lost an ounce but my bathroom at home stays pristine as I shower there.

This morning I noticed that my friend was wearing a medical alert bracelet. Delicately I enquired as to what sort of terminal or moribund behaviour I should expect. This led me to confess that I too, should probably wear a bracelet or get a tattoo or something because of my asthma and I use to once, but I broke the bracelet and they are expensive to replace so I never bothered.

BUT, I would like to point out both my cats have been microchip and should they ever go astray should they be scanned by the proper instrument, they would be returned. "Go Astray"?? Not too likely as neither cat gets out and one of them is frightened of grass (the lawn stuff). Further more she associates the door, open or not, with the dreaded doorbell, the dreaded doorbell can only mean strange/different people and on and on. In any case, I thought it was odd that my cats have an "alert" system and I don't. No, I'm not thinking of having myself "chipped" although in my old age I am growing increasingly forgetful, but I suppose I should really get the medical alert thingy done again.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

From CanGal's site, just for fun :-)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Out of the Chaos

Spent the weekend doing, or more accurately, trying to do taxes. If you were my "March Bank Statement" where would YOU be??? Of course, the last place I left you! More to the point, where the heck is that? Of course, without that statement I am more or less "hooped" until I go to the bank and get a copy but even then, there cancelled cheques will not be part of the picture.

Looking for the good in all of this ... I did about two years worth of filing, thinking that somehow the statement might have paper clipped itself (notice the lack of accountability there!) to another document. It seems that my hands have touched every piece of paper that has passed through my office in the last two or three years. The cats also had plenty of company as I turned things upside down at home. They got to play, "lets remove the paper clips and roll around in the lose papers". What is it about cats and paper, especially paper bags?!?

All my efforts, to no avail. Hopefully the bank will be able to provide what I need and I can get on with it. It certainly serves to remind me of how much I dislike some aspects of being self-employed - that and NO pension. On the positive side, I like my boss and I like my job. It is nice to be able to take time off as I like, although, when I am not working, I'm not getting paid.

It amazes me how much I think about this blog and the blogs of others. As well as a blog, I keep a personal, hand written journal, but throughout the day I find myself thinking about what I might write for public consumption. If anyone had told me I would be preoccupied to any extent I would not have believed it.

However, I must say, there is something to be said for taking pen in hand, I have a fountain pen that I use, and actually making a page come alive as opposed to typing. Sometimes when I write, I will write a word that I had not anticipated, as it it were forcing itself from my sub-conscience, it is always interesting when that happens and sometimes I pursue the thought, sometimes I am just mildly amused and move on.

What will this week bring? Hopefully, a copy of my bank statement since the original eludes me and hopefully, some kind of closure to the tax task!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Road Snit, Rather Than Rage

A couple of things that I have found somewhat annoying the last few days. This city has a number of areas where there is road construction and I find myself going through them on a regular basis. The sites are marked with a multitude of signs indicating that the speed is reduced from around 80 kilometers to, in one case, 50. We have been told, should we be caught speeding in these areas, the usual fine will be double. Now, I am the kind of person with a somewhat heavy foot and I like to move along and I find these sections extremely tedious to drive through. What makes it even more annoying is the fact that I seem to be the only driver remotely close the the posted reduced speed and other folk are driving around me like I am some kind of little old "nud-nik" Mr. MaGoo! What gives?

The other thing I find about these sites is often there is not a soul working, not a piece of equipment turning a wheel and yet the reduced speed is still in effect. Probably it is not a good idea to go whipping through an area where there are barricades and sharp shoulders but still, it just adds insult to injury. These things, I suppose, are sent to try me. I once had a little magnetic button thing that said "Why am I the only person on this planet who knows how to drive?" Ironically, it was lost when I was in a rear-ender, the guy in front of me having stopped, me having stopped and ... that is where the stopping stopped for a couple, actually, I think three cars just ploughed into us one after another - and NOT in a construction zone!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Does My Cat Want Spectacles or Does She Want To Make a Spectacle of Herself???

OK, every morning we have, "we" being the cats and I, have a ritual where their needs are taken care of first, then mine. They seem to like that order of things. Once they are all settled - OK, Precious is never really settled, as the world is just one really interesting place for her and she subscribes to the slogan on Ontario license plates, but I digress ... once the cats have their immediate needs met, I like to read the paper. One, or the other of the cats seems to think it is up to her to censor what I read, which is accomplished by sprawling across articles that I might find disturbing. I've not shared these censorship proclivities with my niece, the Librarian, who thinks nothing (or very little) should be censored as she stands to inherit these critters (actuarially speaking). It is either censorship of my reading material or, alternately, functioning under the belief that there is nothing quite as interesting as "moi" ...

To the point, I noted today that Precious seems to be pursuing the refection that my eye glasses make on the paper as I move my head to read. Does this mean she desires eye glasses of her own?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Who Knew?!?

Your IQ is 135

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional
Your General Knowledge is Genius
A Quick and Dirty IQ Test

Monday, April 10, 2006

A Quick and Dirty IQ Test

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Long and Sordid History of Arsenic & Old Lace

Today I've invited my sister and brother-in-law over for supper. A long overdue invitation to a couple that have been nothing but kind and generous with support and food. However ... if I were my sister I would look at this invitation carefully based on past performance on my part.

As a child, investigating the medicine cupboard one day, I came across a small vial of purple crystals. The crystals were potassium permanganate and when mixed with water turned a lovely purple. At the time I imagined myself quite a little scientist and in the interest of research I offered my sister a glass of this ... "grape juice". You have to know, we did not have a lot of treats growing up, so any kind of fruit juice was special. Poor sister had no idea how special. Just as she was about to swallow I stopped her and fessed up, bringing the whole experiment, that had clearly gone awry, to an end. It should be noted that my sister and I were, and are, very close and I truly loved and love this person. I was describing this little incident to someone recently and their only comment was "Gee, what do you serve people you DON'T like??? An interesting thing is, I use that couple frequently to "try" new recipes on ... hehehe....and tonight? Yep, a new recipe but nothing that employs anything close to "grape" - except for the dinner wine.

If Precious and Spook (AKA the alleged cat) read this, they are sure to scrutinize even more carefully the preparation of their breakie and dinner! I'm not sure either one them, being cats, would forgive me as my sister has.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Good Morning Cats (I'm quite convinced you guys are on the computer when I leave the house otherwise, why would there be so much fur on the desk and the monitor?).

Finally, finally I think I've figured out how to write in my own blog and it was so embarrassingly simple that I won't go into detail just in case someone who even has an elementary understanding of the process should read it. Mind you, just to keep me humble, I've not discovered how to check the spelling of submissions without losing them and then having to retrieve them from the ether. Perhaps I should ask the cats as they seem so much smarter than me.

Today is Saturday and I do enjoy Saturday especially if I have nothing scheduled. It seems no matter what time, how late, something gets scheduled on Saturday it becomes an ominous presence throughout the day until it comes to pass. It seems to shadow the day, even when it is a good thing. In fact often, it seems like a good thing at the time. While feeling somewhat superior to the cats as I know how to work the electric can opener and they don't, I think I will let them bask in the benefit of my wisdom, meaning I shall go feed them. No doubt my usefulness would diminish significantly if they could ever figure out the system. Thank heavens I bought one of those fancy-schmancy can openers that remove the sharp edges from lids and cans .... so much harder to use!


Agreed, the name of the blog says it all, but I would like to be the one to decide whether or not I write in this darned thing. I've just spent hours trying to find what "they" call a dashboard so that I could make a new post. Where the heck does the darn thing disappear to? How can I keep it where I want it. I tell you, it is as elusive as one of my darned cats, AKA "alleged cat", who has the art of disappearing right before one's eyes down to a science.

Anyway, I'm beyond tired and I think I will toddle and no doubt "the elusive one" will materialize at my feet at some point only to leap off the bed should I seem to be getting up. Then it is the "Indy 500" on the stairs. You know, if she knew how to operate a can opener, it would make a lot more sense for her to beat me to the kitchen - ah cats!

Side note - I went to check the spelling on this piece of work, it disappeared, I got it back somehow and decided on a different title. If this keeps up, I'm heading back to my old cave

yes ... this was one of "those" ... one of those real gems that just ... disappeared

Friday, April 07, 2006

This thing has not quite worked out the way I had expected or the way I had hoped. There you go, having an existence of what? 20 minutes and already a disappointment.

Funny thing to say as I suspect the a blog is a blog and if there is fault to be had, it would be in the operator. As was once said, "it is a poor workman who blames his tools". Wonder how that could be made PC ... "it is a poor worker who blames the tools" - there, not that anyone is going to read this anyway!

OK, back to figuring out the problem that started me blogging in the first place!

Starting Out

Of late, I've been reading a number of blogs for various reasons. The final push, I think, might have come when I tried to post a comment on a blog and discovered that I would have to have a blog myself in order to participate. Elitist? Who knows! Perhaps it is some kind of write of passage
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