Hibiscus, Lowbiscus and Dogbiscus
Speaking of the cats, I’m guessing that they have figured out that I am not home, beyond the fact that that feedings are reduced to once daily with double the amount I’m not sure what they make of all this. They know in their kitty bones that something is “up” when all the personal papers are put away and their litter area is thoroughly vacuumed. While not claiming to really know what goes on betwixt their furry little ears I know that they are quite frightened of the monster that is kept in the garage. Snake-like and invasive it makes a terrible roaring noise and what is a cat to do except make a break for it. Run, run swiftly. To you and me it is simply the hose for the vacu-flow, to them, some sort of sucking, toy stealing, treat-stealing menace. The visitation from the monster is often preceded by the stowing of personal papers and then the appearance of strange people in the house wielding all manner of broom, mop and squeegee. So what I am saying is, on one hand they are happy that my tidying up did not result in an invitation to “the monster” but on the other hand …. They may be thinking “yeah twice as much in the old food dish, but how about we do this twice a day like when the can opener queen is home?”
‘Nuf said I am going to, as the Hawaiians call it, retreat to the lanai and read a good book. I’m just about finished “Conspiracy of Fools”. Quite a good read about greed, greed and intrigue. To Amelia, HNL is aviation speak for the Honolulu airport. ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) has assigned unique identifiers to all the airports in the world. CYYC, usually just called YYC is Calgary, WSSS is Singapore, Brisbane is YBNN, Honolulu is PHNL and so on.