Locker Talk or ... The Ironies of Life
As a rule, throughout the week, a friend and I exercise at the same facility at the same time. Although a bit of a grind to get to some days, at the end of the session, well worth the effort. Speaking for myself, I don't think I've lost an ounce but my bathroom at home stays pristine as I shower there.
This morning I noticed that my friend was wearing a medical alert bracelet. Delicately I enquired as to what sort of terminal or moribund behaviour I should expect. This led me to confess that I too, should probably wear a bracelet or get a tattoo or something because of my asthma and I use to once, but I broke the bracelet and they are expensive to replace so I never bothered.
BUT, I would like to point out both my cats have been microchip and should they ever go astray should they be scanned by the proper instrument, they would be returned. "Go Astray"?? Not too likely as neither cat gets out and one of them is frightened of grass (the lawn stuff). Further more she associates the door, open or not, with the dreaded doorbell, the dreaded doorbell can only mean strange/different people and on and on. In any case, I thought it was odd that my cats have an "alert" system and I don't. No, I'm not thinking of having myself "chipped" although in my old age I am growing increasingly forgetful, but I suppose I should really get the medical alert thingy done again.
This morning I noticed that my friend was wearing a medical alert bracelet. Delicately I enquired as to what sort of terminal or moribund behaviour I should expect. This led me to confess that I too, should probably wear a bracelet or get a tattoo or something because of my asthma and I use to once, but I broke the bracelet and they are expensive to replace so I never bothered.
BUT, I would like to point out both my cats have been microchip and should they ever go astray should they be scanned by the proper instrument, they would be returned. "Go Astray"?? Not too likely as neither cat gets out and one of them is frightened of grass (the lawn stuff). Further more she associates the door, open or not, with the dreaded doorbell, the dreaded doorbell can only mean strange/different people and on and on. In any case, I thought it was odd that my cats have an "alert" system and I don't. No, I'm not thinking of having myself "chipped" although in my old age I am growing increasingly forgetful, but I suppose I should really get the medical alert thingy done again.
Pray tell, where do they insert the chips into your cats? I'm naive about these things.
I sure would like to have a chip inside my house keys, handphone and so on. But my worry is, what happens if I misplace the chip tracker?
Amelia Earhart, at April 21, 2006 10:03 AM
The kitties have little, teeny-tiny microchips between their shoulder blades where all cats have an abundance of loose fur. It can be done with the kitty awake and just takes a second. Vets like them better as they do not blur and become difficult to read after time like tatoos, but, on the other hand, if your cat is "found" by a person at least the tatoo alerts that person that the cat "may" have an owner as it is a visible sign even if it is blurred. The microchip can be read by the Human Society, any Vet, the Pound and a lot of breeders use them. As far as I know they do not set off "security" at the airport. Now, if the cats ARE at the airport, that is a whole other story!
pingcat, at April 21, 2006 10:08 AM
josh is tattoo'd and eddie has a microchip. When we got Josh tattoo'd we asked the vet if the 2nd ear could have a heart with the words "mom" placed inside of the heart. Our vet has no sense of humour
CanaGal, at April 21, 2006 2:10 PM
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