OK, lets get something straight. Yes, this is my world and yes, snow is part of my world BUT … I don’t have to like it. In fact, considering it has been one week and one day I must say I am not adjusting to this business at all. True, I am grateful that at least I did not return home to minus thirty.
Let me say I am bless with lots of learning lately, the ordinary stuff that people do as situations arise and are resolved. My preferred method of intense denial does not always work. In some cases, it is OK, simply to gain time to figure out “what” to do about a situation but in NO circumstance is DENIAL SUFFICIENT for action. Eventually something has to be done about situations. It has occurred to me of late that my capacity to deny, deny, deny has bitten me in the “asterberry” more than once.
However, nice that I am a work in progress and that each day I am provided with many opportunities to learn and to do things differently. In fact I suspect at the end of the day there are even “left over” opportunities that can be used the next day! … I am THAT lucky.
Onward and forward – for sure, I know, the lesson will be presented to me until I learn it. It is, I suspect, part of that whole scenario of “When the student is ready the teacher will be there.
Ah yes, time for me to re-read The PROPHET, by Kahlil Gibran