
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

... And Extra Points

There are extra points involved if you are able to identify the airport and give the correct ICOA identifier and even more if you can identify the “other” one. For those of you with no clue as to what I am referring, scroll down a little and it is more than a hint.

The “girls” are no doubt thoroughly po’ed with me as I skulked out of the house under cover of darkness in the early morning – “they” thinking I am off to the routine of the gym and home soon to work etcetera. “Nice bonus”, they think, of the double order of canned food and the topped off dry stuff. “Yeah …. right… “, feelings of betrayal no doubt started creeping in within a few hours and now that it has been a couple of days – full scale anarchy!

After a day long meeting on Saturday, dinner with my big sister – who is on a “cleansing” thingy, so it was more like dinner with my B-I-L, “fixer-of-all-things-broken” accompanied by my sister looking on and being squeaky clean, I was able to make my escape.

Rumour has it that “Winterpeg” is living up to its name with temperatures in the realm of -49C! Gad, that is cold for anyone. This morning, here, at 7:30AM it was about 25C and it won’t get much warmer … well maybe 2 or 3 degrees but not like Texas in the summer, that’s for sure.

This weekend I think I will participate with the local group of women aviators and paint a compass rose at one of the airports. Sounds like fun and there will be a picnic to follow – a potluck picnic so we need to bring some stuff to share. Suntan lotion will be the order of the day and maybe some “wobbily pop” in the cooler – AFTER the compass rose of course.

Well, it is off to the “hairy” appointment as I have a “regular” here and I was unable to secure same before I left YYC.


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