Bad Timing ...
Consider my timing bad … on several levels. Today I had promised myself to “do something” about a number, of what I thought would be recipes, that had somehow slipped from a drawer into the cupboard under the drawer. OK, the somehow is easily explained in that I am … well, I am a recipe cutter-outer. When I read the daily paper if I see what I think might be an interesting recipe I cut it out, thinking I will make that “some day”. Sometimes I save a whole page or two of the paper, again, thinking someday … In all honesty, the ship has probably sailed on that one for at least a couple of reasons related to, I suppose, “bad timing” on my part.
The fact is, I have NO TIME to cook as at this point in my life I am working longer hours than ever before because I have a full time and a part time job. The full time job does not pay all that well, the part time job supports my filthy addiction to working in aviation. Secondly, most of the people I know are now at an age where “smaller” is better and simplest is best. Most of the people I know, who I might cook for or invite over for a meal, (another point, I’m not much of an “inviter”, either), are watching what they eat, digestive tracks, heck the alimentary tracks are fussy, pernickety and prone to inflicting sleepless nights and cranky days if not treated with the utmost of delicacy!
Although that IS my reality, denial is a strong force to deal with. At this time, I report to you, my recipe drawer, the one with the cut out articles and cards gleaned from various sources is neat! As a demonstration of my willingness to accept some truths, I DID toss a number of potions - I knew I wouldn’t attempt these even at the best of times, like the “South-west Black Bean Casserole” … not going to happen … period.
The other little point, well no, it is a HUGE point and deserves a separate blog entry, is the fact that I was supposed to clean one drawer/cupboard/closet per week according to my New Years Resolutions. Truthfully I’ve cleaned um … 11 of such things so according to my timing we are only around mid-March. Actually I’m quite stunned that I’m so close the actual date, as really, I’ve written on my “To Do” list “clean drawer” every day for ages and really only had 3 occasions when it happened. You see, I get ahead of the game because rarely do I just clean one drawer; one drawer leads to another and another in my world. The disadvantage to 3 sessions and 11 spaces is simple … I let myself get distracted from what I am supposed to be doing. Oh well, can’t win them all but it would be nice to at least get a chance at bat!
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