
Friday, November 23, 2007

Work 'n' Gym

Wow, this one day at a time and then having all the days gang up on ya at once is amazing. It seems like I’ve been home forever and Hawaii is but a dim memory. The guys at work did not miss me at all ….. they just ignored the fact that I was away and left stuff on my desk, unless of course it was paper I needed for a paper trail and that … well that seemed to separate itself from “product”. At this point, after about a week, I think I am caught up. There are several “little” projects on the go, one of which is to reintegrate some parts that were rejected from stock because of legitimacy issues. There just wasn’t time to hunt down the pedigree of certain items and “stuff” for planes MUST have some kind of pedigree or traceability. When I say some … well it is more than “some” and the other day I teased about the project insuring employment for some time to come.

I really, really wanted to write about the “ever shrinking towel syndrome”. As any regular reader would know, I get my lazy self out of bed three times per week at 5:00AM and trundle off to a downtown gym. You know you’ve been away from the gym too long when you can’t find the equipment. It’s true, in the renos, stuff has been moved around but I was having some success keeping track of it for the most part. Further evidence that I’ve been away …. When I first started there the towel size of choice was …. ummm …. rather larger than a hand towel but certainly not a bath towel. Well, wonders of wonders a few months after I joined they introduce towels that one could actually wrapped around one’s body should one wish to practice some modesty in the traps to the shower from the locker area. Of late I’ve noticed that these towels are covering less and less. To my mind there are a number of possible explanations:
• Slowly smaller towels are being introduced as an economic measure
• Towels are actually shrinking
• Towel material is the same quantity but needs to relax – i.e. like jeans after they’ve been in the dryer … the weave gets all tight
OR ….

Horror of horrors ….
• There is more of me now than at an earlier time!?!


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