
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Thingys To Remember?

This past Good Friday I had the opportunity to have "my-sister-the-artist" over for chilli and tea. It was really kind of neat. I cannot count the times I've broken bread with her and her family and reciprocation is decidedly unequal ... but who's counting. There were a couple of neat things about this visit.

A few years ago I received, from my mother's estate, such as it was, a number of mismatched and incomplete items of china, including tea cups and saucers. The trove sat in boxes for a long, long time as there is yet to be an instrument developed that could measure the level of my indifference to fine china and silverware sorts of things, especially antique. Eventually guilt and the need to clean the garage forced me into opening and sorting the boxes and the contents truly were a trove; I've written in the past about this experience. One of the things I thought at the time of cleaning, cataloguing and placement in the curio cupboard was the idea that it would be soooo cool to have my “big-sister-the-artist” over for tea using the cups. Yah, great idea, as many are, time and tasks intervened until Good Friday.

It was truly cool to have tea with her out of mom’s cups and as well, just because I’m who I am, we had salad along with the chilli in garish orange plastic bowls. Yep, that’s just how things happen around here.


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