How Cute Is This?!?
The weather has taken a turn, decidedly for the better – that is, if you don’t mind driving in slush and so on. I did mention to a friend of mine, with whom I had made travel arrangements to watch out for a small car cleverly disguised as a lump of dirt! This I can take way, way better than the -40C stuff. Molly is “in the shop” for her first servicing, the good thing being, they will wash her before she is returned to me.
One of the pictures shows Precious laying on a stand behind my couch next to a row of stuffed cats usually used to cut down drafts from doors where weather stripping is less than effective. Along with the line of cats, various stuffed critters have been added to the line up as they have been acquired – the University of Houston Cougar, for instance. Precious looked so much like “one of the gang” I couldn’t resist snapping the shot. The other shot – well I was just struck how the snow on the mountain ash berries looked like some kind of fancy dessert for the birds. Speaking of which, on a trip back to Calgary from just south of the city I had the opportunity to witness thousands of Canada Geese mustering for the trip south. It was really spectacular and I’m guessing a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Provincially we’ve “elected” a new Premier – that said tongue in cheek in that one ought not to have voted if one were not a member of the party with whom this fellow is affiliated. ON THE OTHER HAND, it seemed to be the ONLY way to have any say regarding the future of the province, so I confess, I became a “Two Minute Tory” in order to cast a vote – not so much FOR someone as against the other two who he was opposing. The Liberal leadership convention was a bit of a surprise with the selection of Stéphane Dion as leader; of all the candidates in contention, the ONLY one with credibility. It will surprise me if the two top candidates even bother to stay in active in politics. My heart of course was with Ken Dryden as he gave his all for the country in Olympic Hockey and played for the Montreal Canadians as a very apt goalie. However THAT in no way prepares him for leadership of the country. There were some interesting others and we shall see how time seasons them. Stephen the egg-head and policy wonk, meet Stéphane the egg-head and policy wonk!
More cat chat – Spook had her shots and nails trimmed today and complained mightily all the way there. The Vet, who was in another room at the time of our arrival, thought someone was abusing an animal hear Spook’s complaints without the visual. She might have a food allergy – ssshheeessshhh. He “gave me” some eye drops for the cat and of course, made it look easy to put them in. hhhhhmmmm might be wise that I donate plasma and such as I may require some of it back if she cooperates to the same degree as she does when she is being transported anywhere!
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