
Friday, December 08, 2006

Good Luck With That ....

Not quite THAT bad but ...

This could have just as easily been put under “Mysteries of the World” category. How DOES that cat know when I am preparing to give her eye drops as prescribed by the Vet. While we were at the Vet they were easy enough to administer as she was conveniently located on a table and I could simply approach from the rear as she gazed, more than attentively, at the Vet. A couple of times at home were easy, but not any more. Often, as soon as I walk into the room Spook escapes elsewhere. If I stoop down to pet/grab her she slithers away like a wet bar of soap. So …. Just how necessary are these things. Perhaps I should just wait until she starts bumping into furniture?

In addition to annoying things … this morning I piled out of bed at 0500 so that I could do my exercises and get back in time for my client … yeah, the one who “forgot” the appointment.

Exercises did not go well today. The trainer has switched to “compound” exercises. She thinks that this means doing or training two different groups of muscles at the same time. The “compound” as far as I am concerned, means instead of inflicting pain only one way, I am now capable of inflicting pain two ways at the same time. Joy! Not too, too long ago I use to think that I was coordinated but I’ve discovered my level of coordination is inversely proportional to my level of fatigue and if not fatigue, then the degree of difficulty of the exercise! When I came home I had to spend a fair amount of time surfing around on the web looking for examples of the various contortions which are suppose to melt the weight off my body …. Ha! Unlikely!

Anywhoo lots to do today and a meeting tomorrow ….


  • I believe that cats secretly watch you from places that we never think to look like on top of the fridge, behind the picture on the TV, etc. THEN when they see you reaching for the medication bottle - boom! Cat Action Live! Ninja moves! It happens. That is why I like my dog. Slap some peanut butter on a pill and la de da! It is a treat! LOL! I LOVED my cats! (big time) But I don't think that I want pets smarter than I am again...

    By Blogger Unknown, at December 09, 2006 7:22 AM  

  • My cat is the same way. He just knows what I'm thinking. It's the same when it is time to clip his toenails.

    By Blogger Quodlibet, at December 09, 2006 4:42 PM  

  • May I send BOTH of mine over to your house when the nail clipping is due??? Better yet, come to my place and we can play "Catch the Spook", THEN clip her nails!

    By Blogger pingcat, at December 10, 2006 3:29 PM  

  • it sounds like us with Joshy. He runs and hides only when Sean comes up behind me when he is giving Josh his medication. Any other time, Sean can come up behind Josh without a problem

    By Blogger CanaGal, at December 11, 2006 6:02 PM  

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