
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The above photo is for "my-niece-the-Librarian-cum-professor" who wrote on her facebook:

Laura is thinking that effective teaching is beyond her today.

Somedays no one is an effective teacher or learner; lucky days are those where both experience the same affliction.

Here I am, lolling about:
obviously not on the beach as I'm taking the picture. Every, every time I come here I always think it will be the last time I view Diamond Head. In comparison to our Rockies it is inconsequential but here it is not just a place but a direction, discription and desposition.

While I had planned/hoped to do some flying while here I am beginning to doubt that that will happen which is just fine - at the momement. Today when I was looking skyward I noticed these clouds. Frequently when we island hop we pass through cloud on take off fly on top and have them dissapate once we are over the cooler air of the ocean. Funny thing is, when we are returning to PHNL and entering the land cloud again, I am often troubled as I wonder what our fate is to be if the cloud does not break up as we near the airport. Every time there has been a bit of a hole through which we pop, having faithfully followed the vectors as provided by ATC, then it is "chop and drop" as they like to keep us high until final, by high I mean 2000' so we get lots of practice "slipping in" so to speak.


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