
Friday, October 31, 2008

In The 'Hood and Adios

This will be my last entry from where I am as I am going back to where I've been. It has been a slice and I've enjoyed it very much. Often in parting one of the last trips, aside from the one to the airport, involves driving ocean on Kapahulu and Diamond Head is always part of the vista. When I look at the crater I often wonder if this will be my last look ... a few times I've taken shots and now these are in response to adieu and via con dios.

As good old Lawrence Welk wrote:

Good night, sleep tight and pleasant dreams to you
Here's a wish and prayer that every dream comes true
And though it's always sweet sorrow to part
I know you'll always remain in my heart

Good night, sleep tight and pleasant dreams to you
Here's a wish and a prayer that every dream comes true
And now 'til we meet again

Adios, au revior, auf weidersehen.....Good Night!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dinner Anyone?

and ... after:


REALLY before:

Not really fish, either ...

This is the Hawaii that not everyone is able to see ... most still prefer ...

But ya gotta love ...

Some photos of the real Hawaii:

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet

So who knew? Seriously, I had deluded myself into thinking that the difficulty with writing in my blog on a daily basis was strictly a time issue, as in NO time to write. There is no such excuse available given my present circumstance and still it doesn't get done. True, true, I think of lots of things that I might note and even when I was back home, when I initially stopped doing daily entries, ideas would cruise through my mind. These last few days I've though about including this photo:

For sure this should be one terrific post .... since I started it four days ago! Ahhhh so much sun and so little time. Pretty soon I will be swapping this:

For this:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The above photo is for "my-niece-the-Librarian-cum-professor" who wrote on her facebook:

Laura is thinking that effective teaching is beyond her today.

Somedays no one is an effective teacher or learner; lucky days are those where both experience the same affliction.

Here I am, lolling about:
obviously not on the beach as I'm taking the picture. Every, every time I come here I always think it will be the last time I view Diamond Head. In comparison to our Rockies it is inconsequential but here it is not just a place but a direction, discription and desposition.

While I had planned/hoped to do some flying while here I am beginning to doubt that that will happen which is just fine - at the momement. Today when I was looking skyward I noticed these clouds. Frequently when we island hop we pass through cloud on take off fly on top and have them dissapate once we are over the cooler air of the ocean. Funny thing is, when we are returning to PHNL and entering the land cloud again, I am often troubled as I wonder what our fate is to be if the cloud does not break up as we near the airport. Every time there has been a bit of a hole through which we pop, having faithfully followed the vectors as provided by ATC, then it is "chop and drop" as they like to keep us high until final, by high I mean 2000' so we get lots of practice "slipping in" so to speak.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

...And So It Begins!

The plane seemed to have a little trouble getting off the ground and when it became airborne the bumps were less than gentle. As we climbed, bumping around, a sharp bank to the left and lo and behold, through a hole in the cloud there lay Springbank. Yes, for an instant I wondered how Cavalier was doing and really tried to see what might be on the ramp for repair but to no avail as the fast moving jet insured only a glimpse of my former life.

Yes, back on the Island, It was very nice to see Pearl, who has had some health challenges waiting at the curb to act as chauffeur. Honolulu International is very strict with cars loitering about - it just doesn't happen and passengers need to be ready to throw themselves into moving vehicles.

Activities to day were directed towards reclaiming from the jungle that which is non-jungle. It takes very little time for elements to work on human creations in an effort to have all blend to some sort of vegetation or variance thereof.

Stay tuned for another installment of my "excellent adventure"... meanwhile the girls...well, I DID keep the paper coming for their amusement!
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