
Sunday, January 14, 2007


OK, let me be perfectly clear, I ought not to be doing this blog at THIS time simply because there are tons of other things that require my attention.

However, I must report that I have moved from Eye pod


True so true, I’ve managed to download my first movie … OK, so I cheated and the guy who transports aluminum was really a big, big help – such a help in fact HE sent me the movie already in the correct format and all I had to do was get the darned thing to download to my ipod – which I managed to do eventually and also, in all of my cleverness, managed to erase. So in fact, I’ve downloaded this movie twice and I am savoring the time I will watch it. Probably on some aluminum tube hurtling through space as I usually end up sitting behind some one with a frizzy “do” and can’t see the movie screen anyway. I’m hoping to amass a few movies for the interminable layovers in airports – once a person could actually “nip” out of the confines for a bit of an explore but with all the security, one could easily be held up in one the lines and miss a flight.

Never would I be caught thusly

My cats' impression of all this to-do about technology?


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