
Saturday, January 20, 2007

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet

This week seems like a blur. In fact, I’m pretty sure the “speeding bullet” left the blur which was this week, in its wake. Missed the South African, which I regret but there will be other times no doubt. The gym did not see my running shoes at all this week.

Contrary to what my trainer tells me: “Exercise won’t hurt” … apparently it did and has. There seems to be a “bit” of a cartilage issue with m left knee – at least that is what the physiotherapist is saying. Funny injury in that it doesn’t hurt much at all until …. until I go down stairs. Upstairs is no cake walk but down is much more painful, maybe because as I step, the knee temporarily sort of hangs in midair. Anywhoo, it is a little better since the first physio treatment so I will see the physio once more and see if I can tolerate some exercise before I become as big as a house … OK, not that big but still ….

Got the big fifty pin from Canadian Blood Services and for the life of me, I have to say it sort of reminds me of Labatt’s beer “fifty” ale.

THAT could say more about my twisted mind than reality. The clinic also took my picture with the “movable feast of the framed certificate”, I call it a movable feast simply because you get your picture taken with it but then they take it away to use it again for someone else. Economically I can certainly appreciate the practice but it is sort of weird to grasp it temporarily as no doubt hundreds of other have. Probably it is no more weird than watching the technician/nurse return the last few mm of blood to my arm by milking the plasmaphoresis tubing on the last return.
Today I went to what is referred to as a “Rusty Wings” seminar, a way for pilots who fly infrequently to refresh knowledge. It is akin to “those who can’t do it … talk about it”, I suppose. It did remind me of how much I enjoy the idea of flight but also how much I doubt my skill as the time between flights increases, so lots of
mixed emotion there.

Darn, I’m pretty sure I was switched at birth and actually belong to a very wealthy family – at least I certainly have champagne tastes on less than a beer salary – there’s that beer thing again!

The “girls” are telling me: “Enough already, you were away all day and part of the evening, WE want some attention!”


  • Do you ever tag along on the Saturday sortie outings so that you can get the feel of flying again, but in small doses and with someone who is comfortable/current. Plus, you could likely tag along for free since it isn't you "flying". I think they sound like fun. I know how I would feel about being at the controls if I didn't fly frequently....

    By Blogger Quodlibet, at January 21, 2007 1:13 PM  

  • You know, I don't go to the Saturday Sortie thing, mostly because I am bagged by the time Saturday comes around and it is the ONLY day I get to sleep in. On the other hand - which is why God gave us two hands, if I want to fly then beggars can't be choosers can they. Mind you, I've ALWAYS preferred the Club on weekdays but really got away from it while "you-know-who" was there. It just was not fun for me - nuff of a rant!

    By Blogger pingcat, at January 21, 2007 4:09 PM  

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