Who's The Cutest Cat??? I AM and Reading The Paper, Too
The radio was filled with "people are back to routine ... " yadda, yadda, yadda as the school kids are now back at it. Personally "I thought" that last week was a return to the usual as my 7:00AM trek to the Club took place in a sea of red tail lights. Today traffic WAS heavier and I suppose really this week does mark the return to the usual. That being the case ... I'm having a heck of a time applying myself. This, that, the other, all distract me, hence this brief note, with the hope that I can get it out of my system.
All last week, since I was arriving early to exercise I was able to use metered parking just outside the building. Today I took the “Lert” (LRT) which means I have a bit of a walk, especially on the way back. During my walk I came across not one pair of empty shoes, but two. Empty shoes, just empty. On the sidewalk, near the curb but appearing to have been recently stepped out of as if … Well, of course, with my imagination I was conjuring up all sorts of scenarios and decided, just for the heck of it and to annoy my more evangelical type friends, to ascribe the empty shoes and entirely due to the inhabitants as having experienced the Rapture. Of course my tongue is firmly in my cheek (although some might say my head was up my … never mind “they” would never say THAT!).
What else to report? The tree is down although the storage bins are in my office as I would like to vacuum the room where the bins are kept. Over for another year. Some very cool stuff and blessings received. Today on the LRT I too, became one of those folk with “ear buds” and unfocused as I created my own little world as dictated by my music. However, I am most anxious to get on with some videos if only the transporter of aluminum would get back into town to hold a tutorial or two!
Precious sends regards although she was interrupted in here daily routine to do so. She is a paper reader and firmly takes over the paper when and sometimes before I relinquish it. Of course when she has herself on it, it speeds along the whole process of “relinquishment” – gives it a whole new meaning, closer to “usurping” than relinquish!
OK, to work … or something ….
How did you teach your cat to read? Or did the cat just come that smart?
Unknown, at January 08, 2007 4:49 PM
I had this dream that we tried to shave your cat...
CanaGal, at January 13, 2007 5:54 PM
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