
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Greetings .... No Salutations

Another week another funeral - definitely making a habit of them - this time a pilot, which certainly has more impact for me. Strange thing this piloting business as we who fly, keep hostage those tied to the ground. We who fly can reduce the odds as much as possible, minimize the risks and so on but family and friends have no control what so ever. Actually, this is why I think flying is a much better metaphor for life than baseball or golf - admittedly a whole lot less available as a comparison, therefore making it quite elitist. By definition, since it is so elitist I suppose it does not have much value as a metaphor, except for me.

We've not had much summer weather this summer and the pundits are calling for a longer, colder winter. Too soon there will ice and snow to deal with on the drive to work. Where are my lottery winnings?!? In fact, I have always maintained that I will not win any lottery at all until I don't want to win one and strangely enough, even though I would like to win now, I rarely buy a ticket - significantly reducing my chance to win, and I ask: If I would like to win the lottery NOW and rarely buy a ticket and I think I could use the money .... well, how likely am I to win the lottery when I don't think I need it and am even LESS likely to win? Sounds like "The Secret" to me!

The cats extend their greetings to the world, Precious busy being "precious" and Spook? Well her attitude is evidence by her picture ... oh wait there is not picture!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

It Is Safe To Come Out Now/Circle of Life

Ah yes ... I cannot believe how long it has been since I've written, actually put down in type, something for my blog, yes, almost a year to the day. The title, somewhat symbolically tells it all. Today I am going to a funeral, not a close friend, actually the husband of a "not-a-close-friend". It speaks, I think, of the value shift I am experiencing as my age advances. Others, my contemporaries and those older, talk of respect, lack of respect, but I believe it is about sensitivity and the capacity to be less self absorbed and more aware of the pain of living of others. The lessening of self absorption is directly related to my blog and hence the first part of the title - notably the first part so we know, self absorption has abated somewhat but by no means dismissed.

It costs me only time to attend today's events and I know, it means something to the principle bereaved and those close to that person. Such a simple act ... and one not exercised often enough, as I too become more in tune with the need for sensitivity, respect, acknowledgement - not to mention being even more convinced of the appropriateness of decisions made as a young person.

To the point, "It is Safe To Come Out Now" is a message to myself. Seriously, I thought when I quite contributing to my blog someone, somewhere, would protest/make note/comment at the dearth. Nope a legend in my own mind so to speak and to exercise a cliche. When I started to blog it was to read the entries of a friend who has long since moved on to Facebook. The blog, for me, was NOT to be about me so that it mattered if it was read or not and THAT concept was lost near the end of the blog life. Having come to terms with that, it is now "Safe To Come Out Now", begin writing again and just enjoying rather than having it entertain anyone else for anything!

Friends and those I know who have moved on to Facebook ought to consider Twitter as there is not much substance beyond cryptic comments for the rest of us to consider. My own foray into the realm of social media has been a dismal flop and really only records my "Farming" activities and my ineptitude at same.
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