
Saturday, August 29, 2009


So there I am, minding my own business, accept an invitation for coffee and now I have a furless pet! At the end of our coffee time together my coffee buddy pushed towards me, a Ziplock bag in which there was some stuff that sort of looked like batter of some kind. Along with the bag there was a set of instructions and under supervision I passed the "mush the bag" skill so was deemed fit to accept the bag.

Simple eh? Well, not quite so fast - after a few days of mushing, the directions indicate that there is a need to add flour and sugar to the bag contents and I interpret this as "feeding" that which has been producing gas and therefore "living" in the bag, so to speak. Further, after another number of days pass the process of adding flour and sugar is repeated AND additional bags are split off AND two loaves have to be created. You can, I'm sure, see what is going to happen here. My friends will soon become recipients of Amish Friendship Bread AND starter batter. I mean really, I can't just toss the stuff out, it is a living, breathing entity that requires food, air and demonstrates a distinct negative response to things metal (Did I mention "my-niece-the-Librarian-cum-Professor" is allergic to metal?)and not fond of cold (me neither).

Stay tuned for further "culinary-i-zation" adventures!
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