OK, we just had a blinding, ferocious storm last Thursday, it is now Sunday and I am declaring it SPRING. That’s it, that’s all! My duvet is off the bed and stuffed away for another season, SO THERE!
Last evening was the Calgary Flying Club’s (CFC) annual Grad and Social Banquet and I had a wonderful time. Usually I am stressed out to no end with these things since I am often on the planning end. This past year, I’ve withdrawn from executive positions in many organizations, the CFC being one of them. Although I was recognized for helping with the planning of this fête, my role was minimal, minimal, minimal and so many others did so much work.
Aside from numerous grads, who have accomplished much, simply by getting off the ground in an aircraft solo, there were a few of my instructors present who have special meaning for me. One fellow is “in the Bigs”, a gal, following her dream with air ambulance and a senior instructor who has, as instructors sometimes are, both a challenge and a mentor. It was so nice to see them, especially the first two as there are few occasions where our paths cross these days. Genuine good folk. There were many, many others that I could mention that are special for simply being there and reminding me how fortunate I am to have such people in my life.
The only sad part of the proceedings is the news of the illness of the spouse of a gal who is a contemporary of mine in the flying business. He is very, very ill, ICU, the whole bit. They are such good people, it pains me to hear of his struggles, her sense of being overwhelmed and her worry for him. My “niece-the-librarian” also tells me of the difficulty that her former boss is having with her new born son. He too is very ill and there is helplessness there too. We pray, we worry, we hope for the best and some of us pray for the strength to accept God’s will whatever that might be …. so much for sermonising and I suppose I write more to make it real than for any other benefit.
After such a long period of time between entries, I’m quite sure I’ve lost whatever following there might have been. That’s OK though, because I wrote initially only to be in touch with another gal for whom I have much respect and fondness …. say, “you” could pop out and see Brad and I … bring cookies … OK, just bring yourself. Brad could use some cheering up these days as there have been some real stressors at the old salt mine.
It is nice to be back writing. Every, every day, when I am driving in the morning I ALWAYS think of themes and things that I could write about – IF I were at a computer. By day’s end, I’m so zapped, this things of poetry, beauty, information, nuggets, whatever, are lost to a very tired psyche. We’ll see what tomorrow brings. Happy Mother’s Day all you moms, especially mine, who I know is watching/reading/connecting.