
Saturday, May 19, 2007

This & That and … A Controlling Nature?

Well, “The Big Whoopty” is a done deal, some parts were executed beautifully, some parts made my teeth itch. Isn’t that the case with all things though? It was good to see some of our young people who have accomplished much since they left the Club. Will the Instructors who decided to dismantle the center piece so that they could use the pebbles to chuck at each other enjoy the same level of success?

Those things which we could control – the decorating, arranging the venue, etc, etc were well executed under the leadership of the committee head. He was recognized and rightfully so. Then there was the whole middle thing and the failure to execute the items which had been requested, such as having those who were to receive awards prepare themselves so the interminable journey from the back of the hall could be avoided. We discussed where the pictures might best be taken and for sure it WAS NOT the stage on which the presentations were made, as this of course resulted in more delay as poses had to be struck. There were some speakers too … either NOT on the schedule or addressing the gathering with little appreciation of their assignment.

BUT and insert a giant BUT, the food was great, loved the music, enjoyed preparing for it and the presenter was awesome. If all of that worked why aren’t I happy? More and more I find myself estranged from the Club, its staff, and the values that seem to be promulgated now more so than in the past. Perhaps I’m just tired and testy but at the moment I am less inclined to invest the blood, sweat and tears that were once considered as payment relative to how much flying had given me. Perhaps the debt is paid in full?


  • I am glad to hear that you will be taking it easy at the next CFC event. It is about time that you RELAXED and soak up the atmosphere and the presence of friends!
    I know we will be happy to be able to enjoy your company without seeing you get pulled in several different directions!

    By Blogger CanaGal, at May 20, 2007 7:47 PM  

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