
Sunday, April 29, 2007

That’s The Way the World Goes

While I miss the green of the Island, I am much reminded of the words of Sir Walter Scott when he wrote in “The Lay of the Last Minstrel”

Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
“This is my own, my native land!”
Whose heart hat ne’er within him burned,
As home his footsteps he hath turned,
From wandering on a foreign strand!.....

There is more … of course, it is one loooonnnnngggg poem, but you get the picture.

We started the trek home by having “Uncle Milty’s” firm let us know that we would be leaving an hour later than scheduled. No big deal except that meant that getting through customs and on to the connecting flight would be unlikely and you all know how I feel about the YVR airport – in case you’ve forgotten, the ONLY good thing about the place is the fact that one is usually going somewhere else.

Predictably we missed the flight by a mere 10 minutes. In the grand scheme of things it wasn’t much as we were booked on the next plane out. HOWEVER, how does it come about that the 767 that we spend five hours on had ordinary seats and the one that was used for the shortest leg had wonderful lie-flat dealies with all kinds of adjustments. It really didn’t seem fair, I mean seriously there was only a digit different between the two models of Boeing (and probably a hundred years! …. OK an exaggeration BUT …). One plane was a 767-200 and the other a 767-300 of some version or other

May will see some interesting changes in my life as I’ve the opportunity to become more involved in aviation in a very practical way. More about this as things become more clear and defined. Stay tuned … oh and by the way? Anyone on the market for a couple of tickets to “The Big Whoopty” I have a couple at the bargain price … and yes Captain Tara, I have yours and will see if I can enlist CanaGal’s assistance in getting it to you.

Stay tuned to this space for further announcements!


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