
Sunday, March 11, 2007

You Will Be Amazed Before You Are Half Way Thru....

I amaze even myself … here I am, knowingly, not well, and puttering at the most inane thing. Tomorrow the place will be crawling with workers (I hope!) installing a replacement for a 12’ window – that is casing, frame, glass, et al, followed by reinstallation of the blinds and staining to oak, the interior woodwork. Yes, must move furniture. At the moment, I am pushing paper. While thinking about this I’ve come to this conclusion….

Perhaps I am willing to do the thing that requires the LEAST amount of effort, something that has to be done, eventually …. so if I get tired I can just quit and go rest. I don’t do “sick” well. I resent it, hate slowing, hate the feeling of being tired for no good reason and hate not being able to get on with my life. I know I have limited chest capacity by just the sheer effort of hiking my body up the five flights of seven stairs to the upper filing/computer room. At this point, I husband my resources and have little piles of “in transit” stuff on the sides of the stairs, some going up, some going down. As I sit typing I think to myself, perhaps on my next trip up, I will pull the furniture away from the bay window and put the “stuff” away … then that will be done, Yes?

On the other hand … I could just walk up the three flights to the kitchen table and finish organizing receipts and what not from my final and may I say SUCCESSFUL completion of my 2006 taxes ahead of time – thus defusing my accountants “pissed-offed-ness” – which was at MAX capacity this year. The poor guy really doesn’t realize how much I loath numbers AND satisfying “the government”, forgetting for the moment, that like it or not I AM the government….. sigh I really am a miniature anarchist and have the theory that I can spend the money I am suppose to send them annually in SO MUCH better a fashion, bring ME so much more pleasure than what THEY ever do …. what’s a girl to do, eh?

Time to, as my parents would say, when I was a very little girl and I suspect they still saw me as sweet and innocent … “time to climb wooden hill” …. referring to the steep, hardwood staircase that led to the upper level of our home, where the bedrooms were located …


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