
Thursday, August 03, 2006

So the nephew and his wife are returning to "Springside Green", with our warm wishes for another good year and they are soon to be replaced by "my-niece-the-librarian-adjunct-professor". Maybe I will begin to shorten that title to LAP or something like that. Personally, and what other way is there to deal with a blog, I am thrilled that Laura is coming home for some part of the summer. It is always a pleasure and an intellectual challenge to visit with her. Often I find myself play "devil's advocate", perhaps in the misguided effort to have positions, political and otherwise, for us both, thought through. Of course, I was struck with CanaGal's blog when she wrote about her niece's sixteenth birthday. With my niece there are a few more birthdays and I can remember the day she came home. Mom wanted to name her a name that neither dad nor I could pronounce. Poor kid could have been stuck with "Susan" had we not had some willingness to "accomodate".

Quodlibet is leaning the "wet-dream" ... oops, I mean Jet Stream, a BAE product and a step up the ol' career ladder. Good on her I say, although I must say, I certainly am dreading the day that she establishes herself in a different airline hub - bound to happen and we will adjust - that is the nature of the industry.

Cats, both the shy one and the kittenish one are well and at the moment hiding from the dreaded .... "suckker-upper-noise-machine", as it is cleaning day.

Guess that's about it for me, I'm off to the "hairy-port" soon and will say hi to a few friends whilst I wait for the bird from CO arriving from KGBI


  • Thanks for the nice words about me! I have no plans to abandon CYYC anytime soon. I'll be holding out for the big ones next so even if I get a new hub, I'll have passes so I'll never be gone long!!!

    By Blogger Quodlibet, at August 06, 2006 4:54 AM  

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