
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Hot, Hot, Hot

Well I managed to fritter away the day, avoiding all manner of work. Must trip over to a friend who is presently away to clean (read: raid) the fridge. Took the long way back and was surprised by a call from my big sister a few blocks from home. She was in the “hood” and wondered if I would be interested in a Wendy’s Frosty?

Absolutely! It has been very warm here, in fact, warmer than what “my-niece-the Librarian” and the “the boy child” AKA “the nephew” are experiencing in KGBI, so of course I’m up for a treat.

After the dust had settled and it was nearing or even past supper time I decided that I would go for a walk to the local grocery store deli and pick up a bit of potato salad. In the process I was reminded “car-good, walking-bad”. As I was starting out, I discovered horror of horrors, I had locked myself out! Fortunately I had my cell phone with me so I called my big sister, who has rescued me many, many times and asked, “Were-you-planning-on-spending-a-quiet-evening-at-home-or-were-you-thinking-you-might-bring-a-key-over-to-your-sister’s-house-since-she-has-locked-herself-out?!?”. After she finished laughing she agreed to drop over.

In fact she drove me to the store but I opted to walk back. I don’t really get much of a chance to walk in the neighbourhood so it was pleasant (but hot), to note the growing ethnic diversity. Running towards me, in his athletic gear and with his water bottle was a young black man, who smiled when I smiled at him, this was followed by an older Asian fellow on a bike with a backpack out of which protruded, what looked like a tool used to roast wieners (gotta remind those folks they are hotDOGS in name only), the last set of walkers was a young Asian fellow with a black friend. My walk took me past the homes of a number of folk whom I have recognized previously by their dress, as being from the mid and far east. This is a city where people still nod and say hello as you walk by, both young and old exchange greetings and I like this. In fact the other evening I completely forgot that I had not shut the door, leaving only the screen in place (of course I am protected by a fierce guard-cat named Precious) and when I discovered this the next day I was not all that concerned. The diversity of my neighbourhood has increased over the years I have lived here and although, there are some folk who seem to have a perpetual Garage Sale every weekend, in the main, the area is richer for their contribution.

Tomorrow, I promise, PAPER WORK.


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