
Monday, August 07, 2006

The Good, The Bad and Ridiculous

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Heard from an old flying buddy today, she has successfully completed her ground school and sim stuff and is now flying for Horizon in a guarded sort of way. In the midst of all her excitement she noted something about 100 hours of flying required before she can really be considered an independent F/O. She is now, just now, beginning to “live the dream” after years and years of sacrifice and hard work – clearly, this is “The Good”.

On a less impressive note, another friend had planned a big paaaatttyyy, discovered she could not deliver because of a really bad cold and an asthma flare-up, which we people who have asthma know all about. No chest cold is inconsequential as they all seem to trigger the wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and sometimes fear that one is never going to pull out of the coughing bout. Anywhoo, because I am a good buddy I volunteered, somewhat reluctantly because I HATE returns, to return the perishable to the large grocery chain from which they were purchased. I HATED what transpired even more …. Off I go, her credit card in hand, bill in hand, like a good little “doby”, present items, explain the difficulty and … would you believe…. they INSISTED that she needed to come to the store and do it IN PERSON. Yep, get up off her sick bed, remember, we are talking about perishables here and hoping, by a prompt return the store can still sell them, that, is exactly what happened. I was so steamed, I went out to my car and called on the cell phone in not too pleasant a tone, saying “get up, get dressed, YOU have to do this”. That folks is plain UGLY.

The “BAD” … what else, the kitties, picture this, a kitchen island, picture the toaster cover tossed onto the island while the toaster is in use. Picture a certain cat, whose initials are “Precious” jumping up on the island, sticking her head in the cover and walking around on the island with her head covered up. Yeah, a recipe for disaster if not rescued! Bad cat, bad, bad bad … but so darned cute!

OK, I’m ready for the week, bring ‘er on!


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