
Friday, March 16, 2007


This cough is taking fooooorrrreeeevvveeer to pass on. The infective part is long gone and I am dealing with the residual asthma stuff that drives me crazy and does not impress those around me much, either. Every day it improves but it still interferes with what I would like to be doing. So far I’ve not made it back to the gym. Plasma people called to remind me that I donate next Tuesday but I’m wondering if I should, not so much because I think I still have something lurking, more because I sound so terrible. What to do, what to do. Maybe it is as the cartoon suggests and I should be taking lessons from the cats on how to cough up hairballs and be done with it!

Pella people came by this afternoon to see how best to rectify the situation of the crooked house and straight window frame. Personally I want to go with the easiest and most attractive fix and not recreate the whole dang job. Matt the painter is due next Thursday or Friday and once he sees what needs to be done hopefully the staining will be done the next week and then the blinds can go up. Tomorrow I am going to try my hand at covering, with a carpet, a sort of “table” that my brother in law “fixer-of-all-things” made me as a spacer for the love seat, keeping it away from the bay window and a cat repository. In fact the cats go on the thing without carpeting but I’m sure would be happier with it. It will be a challenge for me as I am about as “crafty” as … well I don’t know what, I don’t really have a crafty bone in my body.

Monday, I’ve promised myself, will see me back in the gym and back on program. It is so hard to eat properly, rest and exercise with this stuff – also I might add, I am not, repeat NOT the most motivated type when it comes to doing those things particularly since I now, since I’m working at home, dress down a lot. This means my weight is not as obvious as I am not tugging on panty hose much these days.

The cats have spent the entire day sleeping their little hoofies off and I’m not sure what has fatigued them so – unless of course they have some special “Cat Olympics” planned for the evening and early morning hours! On the other hand, come to think of it, the cleaning lady was in yesterday and no doubt the “dreadfuleavilnoisyscarysuckingmachine” terrorized them and they spent the day plotting its demise which of course is exhausting for the little furry beings. Yeah, that “sucking machine” is not to be trusted.

Hope to have a restful weekend.


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