
Friday, June 02, 2006

Tidy Time

Client allergies taken care of, more or less order in the lower parts of the condo (“fur couch” notwithstanding – I’ll get to it with Fabreeze and a vacuum this weekend), essentials in order. OK, so what’s this? The last two mornings I have awoken to finding various small pieces of clothing randomly scattered throughout the house, office floors included. Nothing as serious or as comical as those of
  • paksenn
  • but none the less a little on the “we-are-not-amused” side of things.

    It seems that a cat who’s initials are PRECIOUS has taken it upon herself to distribute various articles of clothing here and there as part of her “slidy-game”, where she runs very quickly and pounces on a sock or in one case, a toque as some kind of prey which must be beat into submission and part of that enforcing dominance requires a good drag around the kitty litter box area. The litter box is filled with wheat litter – very good for the cats and vacuum companies, not so good if one wishes to avoid pale yellow dust, which is why it is in an isolated area.

    The point of this is, who would have guessed that clothing relocation and retrieval would have to be one of the recognizant events of morning office prep. Really, I swear, between being ever vigilant about paper clips, elastic bands and any thing small and shiny, I can add clothing to the list of things that MUST be picked up before they end up inside Precious. It is possible, a coincidence, but Precious IS TWO and it really is like living with a two year old in terms of watching what is available for ingestion …. I have proof, I do the litter tray daily.


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