
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

New Day Dawning

When away I don’t really sleep all that well, usually awakening a number of times to try to beat my pillows into submission or substance, depending on how turgid. A number of times I awoke to try to discern the hour and I could not believe that time was passing so slowly. True, there is an hour difference between here and where I live but ….

Knowing that the exercise room did not open until 6:30AM kept me in bed until 6:45AM although I was awake much earlier. Found the exercise area, pretty nice actually, although NOT on the Mezz. as indicated by the information brochure. As I toiled away for my require time the cross trainer to the right of me had a number of visitors, the last one being an older fellow who absolutely thrashed the machine. A few times I glanced over at him with the indication to keep it down as he was interfering with my Zen-like focus on my own task. At no time did he take the hint, continuing to bash away. It was most tempting to reach over and jack up the level of effort he had programmed into the thing to slow him down. “Hey buddy, no one is interested in how quickly you can swing those arms back when we all know you’ve dialed in “one” on the effort level!”.

Up to the room to shower, put the coffee on first so it will be ready on exit. It is amazing how much mess one little bottle of soap/shampoo can make in my Eagle Creek shower kit. Oh well, I’ll wash it when I get home and heck, it is already pre-soaked. Showers are always a challenge; today’s no different … which tap really is hot? How can I dial in something less than pummeling my body? Why is there water pooling around my ankles …yes, all these things. On the other hand, I CAN shower and for that I am grateful.

Imagine my excitement when I discovered I can see the sea-plane base from my room. I can’t see them takeoff but I can see them moored. If I could figure out how to get my “off the ark computer” in sync with some kind of internet connection I would show a few pics. from my room, which has a lovely view of the harbour – hence the name “Harbour View”, perhaps?

Well, more later …. maybe …Suppose to golf today …. It is raining, not pouring but raining and one is never sure how committed golfer types are since I’m not one …. I may find myself golf in this rain and regretting remembering sun tan lotion and forgetting insect repellant!

Here I are

Here I am in Victoria, coming to attend a conference that has been two years in the making. The shuttle waits at the airport for, what I am sure, is the last scheduled flight to land for the day. It is a small airport, two baggage carousels which have no chute, just a carrousel where baggage disappears, to reappear a few moments later, all lateral movement.

Underway, I am struck by two things:
1. The island is ROCK, quite a contrast to the glacial till to which I am accustomed.
2. The vegetation is thick along the roadway as if it would like to choke the very life out of the asphalt.

Though I note that the vegetation is thick, occasionally there are trees and shrubs that seemingly in defiance, appear quite dead, twisted, knurled, in opposition to the vibrancy around them.

We speed along the highway, it seems like the airport is 20 or 30 kilometers from the city itself and I try to recall my last visit here many years ago. Some buildings seem familiar others, not so. Occasionally I glimpse the ocean and it is quite striking and breath taking, like Quodlibet says, there is something special about the sea. For sure some how we are all connected to it and reminded thus when we see it, however briefly.

On arrival, finally, at my hotel, I am grateful. Folks around are wearing jackets and it is cool – I’m cautious to say cold as I’ve come from a place where it snowed only last week. The hotel is modest, the desk clerk assures me my room is quiet, away from the elevators and removed from “party animals”. She indicates it is just up a few stairs to the elevator – WOW! NOT a hotel for the handicapped as there are ½ dozen good sized stairs and of course my suitcase has increased in weight since it was packed last night! The thing about conferences is that you have to pack a gazillion things, more shoes than what I would like and certainly dresses and such fit for the “gala” and banquet. Rats! Even the golf requires wardrobe in addition to that which I would ordinarily bring. Left to my own devices …. pair of shorts, jeans, tee, sweater jacket, running shoes …done.

Time for me to “hit the pit”, as I am unsure as to the commencement of events.
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